Milverton Road Phase 1B1

Umaa was appointed to produce feasibility options for the development of 94 new dwellings in a residential area in Coventry, followed by a reserved matters application.

The site forms phase 1B1 of the masterplan for redevelopment of Land at the Wood End, Henley Green, Manor Farm and Deedmore Road, Coventry, in which will be part of the community led regeneration scheme called “Spirit Quarters”.

The proposed site will take place on 2.2 Ha of land and will be a development within an existing housing estate. The site is designed to include a mixture of units from 2B to 4B, comprising of private and affordable homes.  The layout has been carefully designed to ensure public parks and open space areas are provided and links to new green space from the masterplan is connected.

The homes are designed to enhance the existing character of the area, adopting a traditional appearance with hints of contemporary features, using cladding to create a subtle distinctiveness between the old and new dwellings.


Milverton Road Phase 1B1

RIBA Stage:

2 - 7



Milverton Road Phase 1B1 Milverton Road Phase 1B1
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